We will have the pleasure to have the following invited speakers, who will share their latest findings in their talks with Q&A sessions.

Ajoudani Arash, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT)Human-State Responsive and Task-Adaptive Robots for Workflow Optimization
Camardella Cristian, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (IT)Robotic Exoskeletons and Wearable Haptics in Clinical and Neuro-Rehabilitation Settings: Progress and Patient Experience
Catalano Manuel, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IT)Soft Robotic Technologies to Enable Human-Robot-Collaboration in the Real World
Ferro Francesco, PAL Robotics (IT)StockBot: An Autonomous Solution for Retailers
Grazioso Andrea, BionIT Labs (IT)Adam’s Hand: A Biomimetic Approach to Multi-Articulating Prosthetic Hands
Lee Dongheui, Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) / German Aerospace Center (DLR) (AT)Co-bot Programming: Task Efficiency and Human Factors
Romata Ileana, Comau (IT)Improving Worker Safety and Well-being through Advanced Robotics
Sariel Sanem, Istanbul Technical University (TR)Robots Learn to Predict and Prevent Manipulation Failures for Safety
Vogel-Heuser Birgit, Technische Universität München (DE)Quality of Software, Services, and Trust in Robot Alike Automation Systems